Friday, December 10, 2010


According to newton’s 4th law for exams -
Every book will continue to be at rest
or covered with dust
until some
external or internal exam moves it !!


Exam time has always been a big thing to worry. When we were kids things were pretty good, but even at that time exams haunted us. Why is it so scary?

I think our parents and teachers has to be blamed for all the fear we suffer during the exams......but without this fear would we even think of studying? 
I don't think so.....

Thinking about cheating in exams???

Forget it.... Every time I tried making chits for cheating, I ended up learning dose things I wrote on the chits. Many of my friends still managed to cheat using chits....
I remember one of my friend who scribbled with ink all over his hands.....I asked "why did you write all over your hands? You are definitely gonna get caught ." But there was a smile on his face....He said "these are no answers to the questions. these are addresses of my cheating papers written in codes." The codes indicated as where the answer to a particular question was hidden....I remember Theorem - I, 'LFFSUS' it means Left Foot Front Side Under the Socks.

There is a better side of exams too. Everything in this world seems so beautiful and interesting. During exams I can keep staring at an eerie little bug for hours, the way they move and the way they fly seems so interesting and wonderful.All of a sudden, every little thing we do feels wonderfully interesting (like the ones who has their exams and are still reading this blog)
Oh ! never get into talking to a friend during exam preparations....every word you speak will be like the most beautiful thing ever happened to you and you will go on and on. The need to do something or the other increases as the day of the examinations nears by. These things actually leads you to study at the last moment and the whole book seems like from outer space.

There are two types of people....
The one who says I haven't studied anything and keeps asking you how much you know and the other who says he hasn't studied anything and has no time ask how much you know....rather he might just ask you for some important question to read at the last moment. Beware of the first kind and trust the second.

Some of the common thoughts of the second kind after the exam is over.....
* More then 15-20 marks of the paper was out of the syllabus or the book.
* Every alternate year they give tough papers and we were the victims of it.
* I was having a severe headache.
* Suddenly I was so confused....I knew the answers but I got confused.
* The paper was so lengthy....3 hrs aren't sufficient I tell you.
* If the invigilator is good....I might just make it to the border.
* No hope of passing.

 The only thought of the First kind...
 Damn ! I should be the topper this time.

All I want you is to be courageous
Be calm and
be self equipped with facts and figures
to conquer this exams battle.

I wish you  best of luck in your exams !!


  1. nice one!!! i like the point were u described the 2 types of pple!!!

  2. exams have always been scary and i unlike many other ppl cant eat before i give exam and during the exam my tummy grumbles like hell..
    yea yea stupid i knw! but good job done on this one sunny!:) superb

  3. So damn rite.
    2 types of ppl. Very well written.

  4. I remember the last time we studied together, you followed the track of an ant on the first day and a fly on the second and a headache the very next day.
    Thats all you did.
    Later cheated royally in your exams.


  6. Awesome work.Just wanted to drop a comment and say I am new to your blog and really like what I am reading.Thanks for the share
